Thursday, July 15, 2010


Finally, after so much work, I feel that I have completed...70% of the work.

I loved and loathed this project, but I can see it being very valuable and useful in my class. When given much room to be creative, you can easily overwhelm yourself if you are wanting more. I was not only going for the "wow" factor, but a chance to see when would I use it.

I first enjoyed working with iMovie because I am a fanatic for movie and anything visual. It took me a long time to find a subject, which was half the battle for this project. I think I wanted to target many different topics, including language arts and social studies. I decided on how I can combine both, while incorporating more video for the pictures. Now looking back at the movie, I do not feel that it completes the story factor, the whole point of the project, but feel that it is a good start, just needs to be polished up a bit.

I loathed this assignment, although ultimately I was convinced that the next time it will be a little easier to operate the controls. The first was explaining how this was to work in the class. I feel it can be interdisciplinary approach for language arts and social studies. . I had a hard time recording the myself because of limited access to a studio for videotaping, focus of the camera, and the certain angels needed to capture the signs for proper viewing. The worst part was to really get both the captions in synced with the music properly. If you pay close attention, you notice how sometimes the timing is off, but it eventually flows well with the music from beginning to the end.

After getting over that last hurdle, I felt a little more confident in the way I had structured the project to target the main points I wanted the students to pay attention to. I will need to adjust the speed for panning over photos longer, editing up clips easier and syncing the tune better with the captions. However, I think i was off to a great start and hope to explore more ideas for the students to gain the material.

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